Videos Library

Our specialists will help you with your issues.

Products and Solutions Overview

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High-power high-gamma on-wafer hybrid-active waveguide vector receiver load pull

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Learn why Maury’s instrument amplifiers are the right choice for you!

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mmW and sub-THz active load pull measurements with Vertigo Technologies

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Active load pull measurements at mmW frequencies using IVCAD and PNA-X

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Synchronized Pulsed IV and Pulsed S-Parameters with Maury, AMCAD and Keysight

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MT2000 demo at EuMW 2014

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Active Load Pull for Production Testing

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Mach 2.7 Electronic Solid State Tuner

Software Overview

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Insight VNA Calibration and S-Parameter Measurement Introduction

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Calibrate, validate and measure S-parameters with measurement uncertainties

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MMW-STUDIO mmW and Sub-THz Characterization Software Introduction

IQSTAR Circuit Measurement and Analysis Software

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IVCAD Measurement & Modeling Device Characterization Software

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IVCAD Pulsed IV Measurements

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IVCAD Stability Analysis Tool (STAN)

Best Practices and Tips-and-Tricks

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How to improve measurement reliability – low-frequency stability

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How to improve measurement reliability – oscillations

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Using Air Lines In TRL Calibration

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One Port Waveguide Calibration

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7mm Connector Care

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Connector Gage Repeatability

Seminars and Webinars

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Register For On-Demand Webinars

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RWW 21 – Measurement and Characterization of High Power Devices for mmW Applications

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RWW 21 – Measurement Uncertainty Analysis and PA Design with Uncertainty Added S-Parameters

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EuMW 20 – Fundamentals of Large Signal Characterization and High Power Amplifier Design

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EuMW 20 – Wideband Active Load Pull and Baseband Impedance Control

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EuMW 20 – mmW and sub-mmW Device Characterization and Modeling

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EuMW 20 – Modeling of High-Power RF Transistors and Applications

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EuMW 20 – EPHD Modeling and System Behavioral Modeling

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IMS 20 – Measuring S-Parameters with Uncertainties

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IMS 19 – GaN FET transistor model extraction using IVCAD

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IMS 19 – Load pull measurements and transistor model validation and refinement